COVID – 19

Best Practices and Hygiene Guidelines


The importance of good hygiene practices and physical distancing cannot be stressed enough. This document is intended to provide guidance on what these practices look like at Grace.


Client Requirements

Once you arrive for your appointment, kindly wait in your vehicle and text your stylist! Once we are ready for you, we will let you in the studio!

We are asking all clients to wear a face mask. If you do not have access to one, there will be a few masks available for purchase but, please try and bring your own.

We are asking all clients to sign a questionnaire confirming that : A. you have not traveled outside of Candada or to northern Saskatchewan in the past month B. do not have a fever over 38 degrees C. are coughing or have any difficulty breathing and D. have not been exposed to a person who has a confirmed or probable case of the COVID-19 infection.

Please wash or sanitize your hands upon entering and exiting the building.

Please come alone to your appointment.

As much as we love food & bevy’s there will be none available at this time. Please bring your own beverage in a closed container.

As this is a fluid situation, all these terms are subject to change.


Studio Measures

The below guidelines will be implemented in Grace while we deal with the current COVID 19 pandemic.

1. Additional cleaning supplies have been ordered and will be made available.

2. A clean workstation policy is implemented for all workstations.

3. Each staff member is being asked to disinfect their workstation before and after each client.

4. A workstation includes but is not limited to: tools/equipment, sinks, beds, phones, chairs, purses, light switches and door handles where applicable. As the cleaning disinfectant spray bottles are a shared item, hands will be washed or sanitized before and after use. Additional hand sanitizer has been made available.

5. All surfaces and touch points will be disinfected at least twice daily or more frequently depending on use & clients. For example, the lunch rooms/ tables/ chairs etc. will be wiped down fully between sittings.

6. All waste receptacles will be emptied at least daily or more frequently if required.

7. All shared items will be disinfected after use.

8. A person (or number of people) will be designated to disinfect common areas.

9. The cleaning supply labels have been read and understood for clear direction for use. Some products require a delay between spraying and wiping to be most effective.

10. Hand sanitizer will be made available if attainable at or near entry points throughout Grace.

11. There will be a checklist to document cleaning. All common area inspections will be documented.

12. All workstations are 6+ ft apart and at this time there will only be 2 stylists in the building.


Personal Protective Equipment:

In addition to current PPE requirements and similar protections:

1. Surgical, or Washable Cloth masks will be utilized during peer to peer contact.

2. Face sheilds / glasses will be worn during peer to peer contact.

3. Aprons will be worn during peer to peer contact.

2. Tools/equipment such as blowdryers, straighteners, curling irons, pliers, brushes, bowls, clippers, scissors, tweezers, eyelash instruments, and other miscellaneous tools will not be shared person-to-person without a thorough cleaning with a disinfectant containing more than 70% alcohol

4. Door handles, switches, buttons, knobs will be cleaned prior to use.


Personal Hygiene Practices

1. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;

2. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash; do not share personal items or supplies such as phones, pens, notebooks, PPE, etc.; refrain from shaking hands with others; wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.

3. The following handwashing best practices should be used: Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold) turn off the tap and apply soap; Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails; scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice; rinse hands well under clean, running water; dry hands using a clean towel or air drying them

4. If you are unwell, do not come into work. Use your local self-assessment tool to assess your symptoms

5. If you cough or sneeze do so, into the crease of your arm or into tissue which should then be disposed of immediately

6. Maintain a distance of 6ft from others where possible. 7. Wash hands with soap and water where possible or use hand sanitizer when after coming in contact with others or with shared items

While this, may at times feel extreme, these measures are the only way in which we can safely keep our Studio open. It will take a combined and focused effort from all staff and clients to ensure hygiene standards are maintained. Should you have any questions, please email

We cannot wait to see you all !



XO, girls of grace